Terms and Conditions

Namari Services Ltd (the ‘Company’, ‘Namaritech’, ‘we’, ‘our’), with registration number HE 448411. The Company’s registered address is located at 8, Elpidas, Pyrgos, Limassol, Cyprus. The Company offers bespoke services including marketing and software solutions to clients.

The Terms & Conditions (the “Agreement”) are entered by and between the Company on the one part and the Client (which may be a legal entity or a natural person) who has completed the necessary process and has been accepted by the Company as a Client, on the other part.

This Agreement sets out the terms upon which the Company will offer services to the Client and shall govern all services depicted on the Company’s website (or as these are amended from time to time) during the course of the Agreement. In addition, the Agreement sets out the matters that the Company is required to disclose to the Client under the applicable regulations and industry standards.  Further, the term under this Agreement is extended to the use of our website (the “Services”).

If the Client is a private individual and we do not meet him/her face to face to conclude this Agreement, but instead our communication is done through a website, over the telephone, or by written correspondence (including e-mail, contact form), this Agreement applies and is effective.

Signing of this Agreement is not necessary, and the Agreement has the same binding and enforceable effect as if it had been physically signed. By entering into this agreement, the Client acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, and accepted the terms of the Privacy Policy, as well as any information (legal or otherwise) posted on the Company’s website, as may be amended from time to time.

The Agreement overrides any other agreements, arrangements, expressed or implied statements made by the Company or any Introducer(s).

Commencement of the Agreement

By accessing and using our website, you accept and agree to the terms under the “Agreement”. If you do not agree, then you should not access and use any of the content of this website. This Agreement also applies to prospective Clients and Clients who contact us via any means displayed on our Website. The Client may be entitled to withdraw from and cancel this Agreement without needing a reason and without any cost. In case we provide our Services or/and products applicable fees remain due and apply.

Links to other sources

Our Website may contain hyperlinks/ hypertexts specially coded words, images, landing pages, etc. that when clicked up will take the user to another web page, social media, landing pages, etc. (the “sources”). These sources may belong to third parties and are not owned by the Company. The Company does not bear any responsibility for any loss and damage for the use of such links. The visitor/client shall be very careful when clicking on external links and be aware that these may redirect him to websites that are owned by a different entity.

Under these circumstances, the Client acknowledges and understands that access to the Sources on own risk and that external links contain information that is not covered by this Agreement. Therefore, it is recommended that the Client shall review the legal documents uploaded under the Sources.

Prohibited actions

The Client is prohibited and shall refrain from any action that violates the Company’s rights or disturbs the provision of our services. The Client shall not be involved in spamming, phishing, hacking, unauthorized access, or other malicious activities and shall refrain from any attempt that may disrupt the website or downloadable software’s functionality. The posting/sharing or distributing of illegal, harmful, or offensive content it is also strictly prohibited under this Agreement.

Limited Liability and Indemnity

In the event the Company provides information, or recommendations relating to services, products, or research to the Client (or via its Website, by post or otherwise), the Company shall not, in the absence of its fraud, willful default or gross negligence, be liable for any losses, costs, expenses or damages suffered by the Client arising from any inaccuracy or mistake in any such information given.

The Company will not be held liable for any damage, expense, or loss incurred by the Client in relation to, directly or indirectly arising from but not limited to:

  1. Any error or failure in the operation of the Company’s downloaded software or other products offered to the Client;
  2. Any inaccurate system or data, including but not limited to system errors, external data provided by third-party vendors and/or any other reasons. As a result, the Company will not be liable for the resulting errors in the offered products or Services.
  3. Any failure by the Company to perform any of its obligations under the Agreement as a result of Force Majeure Event;
  4. The acts or omissions of any third party;
  5. Unauthorized third persons having access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data, and Access Data when the above are transmitted between the Parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means;
  6. The solvency, acts, or omissions of any third party referred to in this paragraph;
  7. Any changes in the rates of tax and the differences applicable in different jurisdictions; 
  8. The solvency, act, or omission of a third party, nominee, register, bank, depositary, or Authorized organization where the Company may use as a payment provider;
  9. If the Company incurs any claims, damage, liability, costs, or expenses, which may arise in relation to the Agreement and/or in relation to the provision of the Services it is understood that the Company bears no responsibility whatsoever and it is the Client’s responsibility to indemnify the Company for such;
  10. The Company shall in no circumstances be liable to the Client for any consequential, special, or indirect losses, damages, loss of profits, loss of opportunity (including in relation to seasonal offers), costs, or expenses the Client may suffer in relation to the Agreement.

The terms under this Agreement are not intended to have the effect of excluding or limiting the Company’s duties or liabilities to the Client under applicable regulations and the law.


Should any part of this Agreement be held by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or illegal or contravene any rule, regulation, or by law, that part will be deemed to have been excluded from this Agreement from the beginning, and this Agreement will be interpreted and enforced as though the provision had never been included and the legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement or the legality, validity or enforceability of this provision in accordance with the law and/or regulation of any other jurisdiction, shall not be affected.

Applicable and governing law and applicable regulations

This Agreement is governed by the Laws of Cyprus. Therefore, if a settlement is not reached by any other means between the described in, all disputes and controversies arising out of or in connection with the Agreement shall be finally settled in court in Cyprus.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, in providing Services to the Client the Company shall be entitled to take any action to ensure compliance with the relevant market rules and or practices and all other applicable laws. The Company shall be entitled to take or omit to take any measures that it considers desirable in view of compliance with the applicable regulations in force at the time. Any such measures as may be taken and the applicable regulations in force shall be binding on the Client.

Amendments to this Agreement

The Company may perform amendments to the Agreement from time to time. The new version of this Agreement will be communicated to you by posting it on our Website.

Contact us

In case you have any questions regarding this Agreement or the abovementioned terms, please contact us at:

Phone: +35725263208

E-mail: [email protected]

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